Enhancing the lives of participants by bringing them into a close, personal relationship with jesus christ, their orthodox faith, and hellenic culture.
The camping ministry of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Boston, MBC provides the opportunity for young people to foster an understanding and life-long love of their Orthodox Christian faith, rich and lasting friendships, and appreciation of their cultural heritage.
Achieving our mission

This important Mission is accomplished by providing a safe and fun-filled environment in which campers and staff can fully immerse themselves in the vibrancy of our Orthodox Christian faith and learn to live Christ-centered lives. MBC participants enjoy the serene beauty of God’s creation, at our very own St. Methodios Faith and Heritage Center, a property acquired and developed through the loving, ceaseless, and generous donations of committed individuals, families, organizations and parishes. At the end of the program, youth and young adults return home with strengthened faith, life-long friendships based on Christian love, and an expanded appreciation for the Orthodox Church, their faith, and culture.
The pillars
MBC was founded on six pillars, which have guided the growth and development of the camp over the past 30 years, and continue to serve as the basis of camp life. The pillars are pivotal to building meaningful connections and relationships at camp; with Christ, and with one another.
trustWhen we are LOVING and HONEST, we are inevitably opening ourselves up to the possibility of a trusting relationship. We must trust God, our staff, and the camp program. forgivenessWe all make mistakes. A relationship that is based on love, honesty, trust, openness, and respect, but does not include the element of forgiveness, will soon diminish. A true relationship consists of humbly being able to ask for forgiveness and being able to offer forgiveness. respectWe are all created in God's image and through a healthy relationship we aspire to seek God in others, respecting them and showing them proper dignity. |
honestyHaving established a relationship on LOVE - honesty is necessary. If we are not honest, we are in fact giving the message that we do not have a relationship based in love. opennessWe are open and sensitive to the diversities of others. As we open up and share our inner thoughts, feelings, fears, and expectations with others, we are preparing ourselves for change that leads to growth. loveGOD is Love - therefore Love should be the basis for all relationships. Love requires sacrifice, trust, patience, mercy, and humility, as well as forgiveness, respect, honesty, and openness. |