At the center of life at camp: The Divine ServicesThe Liturgical Tradition of the Church guides every element of MBC. Campers are exposed to the richness of the Orthodox Liturgical cycle beyond their typical Sunday Liturgy experiences, and are fully immersed in the services each day.
They with equal vigor lead the campers to moments of rich and fulfilling silence...alongside daily morning and evening prayer services that suffuse the whole camp with peaceful rest. They accomplish this unity of apparent contradictions without letting the noise of adventure crowd out the deep silence of worship, or letting the piety of prayer lessen the exuberance of the party." -MBC Parent |
Daily Services

Campers and staff alike gather together in the chapel at the start and end of each day where they sing in communal worship, serve in the altar, experience byzantine music at the chant stand, and read the epistle to their peers. Services, about 30 minutes each, occur indoors and outdoors, allowing campers to experience the glory of God's creation as described in the psalms: "How manifold are your works, oh Lord? In wisdom you have made them all" (Psalm 104:24). After each service, campers hear a brief word from our dedicated clergy, applying the wisdom of the Gospels to the lives of today's young people.
Campers and staff alike gather together in the chapel at the start and end of each day where they sing in communal worship, serve in the altar, experience byzantine music at the chant stand, and read the epistle to their peers. Services, about 30 minutes each, occur indoors and outdoors, allowing campers to experience the glory of God's creation as described in the psalms: "How manifold are your works, oh Lord? In wisdom you have made them all" (Psalm 104:24). After each service, campers hear a brief word from our dedicated clergy, applying the wisdom of the Gospels to the lives of today's young people.
Daily morning prayer service, including a lesson from the Epistle and Gospel. |
Daily evening service giving thanks and including hymns for the saints and feasts of the day. |
Paraklesis to the Theotokos
Supplication to the Mother of God, prayed weekly for the health of the camp community. |
Brief, candle lit prayer service before bed, sung by age group, weekly. |
Divine Liturgy
The pinnacle of the camp week-following an evening of communal preparation on Saturday, camp ends each Sunday in the joyful celebration of the Divine Liturgy as a community, welcoming families and teachings from Metropolis Clergy as the camp comes together to receive the Holy Eucharist.
The pinnacle of the camp week-following an evening of communal preparation on Saturday, camp ends each Sunday in the joyful celebration of the Divine Liturgy as a community, welcoming families and teachings from Metropolis Clergy as the camp comes together to receive the Holy Eucharist.
Cultivating Personal Spirituality

MBC offers each young person the opportunity to cultivate their own spiritual life as they are exposed to the teachings of the church throughout the program; through specific instruction, the life of the community, and opportunities for individual growth.
MBC offers each young person the opportunity to cultivate their own spiritual life as they are exposed to the teachings of the church throughout the program; through specific instruction, the life of the community, and opportunities for individual growth.
InstructionDedicated clergy offer their time and wisdom at daily services, leading Orthodox Life sessions, teaching Spiritual Journey lessons, bringing stories of miracles and Holy Relics to camp, and offering the sacrament of Holy Confession to those campers who are interested. Campers have the opportunity to learn skills such as baking Prosforon, or Holy Bread to be used by the clergy for Holy Communion during Divine Liturgy. |
CommunityInfused throughout the day, the hymns of the church offer additional teaching: embedded before and after meals, during quiet moments at camp, and at the conclusion of the day. Cabin life is structured around spiritual growth, through daily devotionals, communal prayer, and conversations with dedicated staff mentors. |
GrowthOften referred to as a favorite part of camp, each day, all staff and campers participate in a few moments of silence known as Alone with God. These brief minutes after Orthros each day allow opportunity for personal prayer, daily readings, reflection and journaling, or silence and meditation. Many campers share that this is the primary element of camp they carry home with them. |
There are countless other rich liturgical elements woven deeply into the fabric of camp, and the young people of MBC eagerly embrace them!