Grades 11-12
Grades 6-10
Registration for fall camp will not be available on this link before 7pm.
join us for a long weekend of friendship and fun!
Just as the summer begins to fade, and it's time for a little re-charge, MBC offers a long weekend of GOYA Fall Camp!
Who? |
GOYAns currently enrolled in grades 6-12 (ages 12-18)
What? |
A packed, MBC experience full of energy, fun, faith, and friendships old and new!
When? |
Saturday, October 12 - Monday, October 14, 2024
Where? |
At MBC! Plus, a fun fall field trip in New Hampshire
Read on to learn more and register!
ARRIVAL: Saturday, October 12- 9:30am
Departure: Monday, October 14- 11:00am
SPACE IS LIMITED - Registrations will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis. Campers who register after the weekend is full will be placed on a waitlist and admitted in the order their registration was received.
Fall Camp 2024 Fee: $275 per Camper
As always, the Metropolis of Boston Camp is committed to not excluding any camper due to financial barrier. Please visit our Financial Aid page for more information.
As always, the Metropolis of Boston Camp is committed to not excluding any camper due to financial barrier. Please visit our Financial Aid page for more information.
Join us for one weekend packed with a whole summer's worth of excitement! From Saturday to Monday, campers will participate in their favorite MBC activities, services, discussions, and shenanigans all while enjoying the beautiful Fall colors of New Hampshire! Campers in grades 6-12 are invited to join us for an unforgettable weekend!
SessionsFall camp includes MBC favorites, like Orthodox Life, Athletics, Arts & Crafts, plus plenty of time enjoying the outdoors!
Evening activitiesMore MBC staples! Evenings include campfires, dances, carnivals, and more!
Field trip!Campers will enjoy a fall-themed field trip! Taking advantage of the great New Hampshire outdoors, the Fall Camp Crew will gather on buses to travel to a local orchard to enjoy the classic New England fall experience.
not sure what to bring? |